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Welcome to Class 3!

Welcome to Class 3! 

Teaching Timetable

Mr Robson teaches Class 3 each morning and on Monday afternoon. Mr Cash teaches computing, RE and music on Tuesdays, while Mrs Pawlitta teaches science on Friday. 


 PE, Swimming and Forest Schools

Class 3 have PE and swimming on a Thursday afternoon with Mrs Pawlitta.


Class 3 have outdoor learning with Mr Jenner-Dyer on Wednesdays. This term work will be linking to design and technology and art. The children will need wellies, waterproof coat and trousers and other appropriate clothing.


Pupils will receive homework every Friday starting from Friday 16th September. This may include:

  • Spellings on Spelling Shed to practice

  • Reading 4 x a week for at least 15 minutes and completing the reading diary

  • English task set on Spag.Com

  • Maths task set on My Maths

  • Practicing times tables on Times Tables Rock Stars

Homework needs to be completed by the following Thursday when this will be checked online and reading diaries reviewed. Your child will receive Class Dojos for homework completed to a good standard.


Class 3.JPG

This term our big question is 'Do We Appreciate What Is Precious?' We will be considering this question in all our subjects! In geography we will learn about the rainforests and oceans, including what we can do to protect the natural environment. We will be writing non-chronological reports, adventure stories, persuasive texts and discussions.

Details of what we will be learning in other subjects are contained in our Spring term curriculum letter.


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